The Montana Standard from Butte, Montana (2024)

Anaconda Lutheran Church Nuptial Rites 'Unite Marilyn Gerva is, Edwin Strommen ANACONDA Before an banked 1 with multi-colored daisies in Our Savior's Church, Anaconda, Marilyn, Jean Gervais became the bride of Edwin Ar Strommen. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donivan C. Gervais, 506 W.

4th and the bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Edwin 0. Strommen, 417 Walnut. Pastor S.

M. Kvings officiated at the afternoon ceremony. Mrs. William Connolly, was the soloist, accompanied, Mrs. Jack Thompson, organist.

The bride was attired in Chantilly lace and satin floorlength gown. The bodice had a bateau neckline and lily-point sleeves and the bouffant skirt ended in a chapel train. The waistlength illusion veil was held in place by a pearl and sequin crown and the bridal bouquet was of red roses with ivy streamers, tied with satin ribbons. Vandalyn Kirkeby was maid of honor and the bridesmaids were Mary Ann Jordan and Roberta Emmett. Candlelighters were Karen Strommen, sister of the bridegroom, and Linda Harrison, the bride's aunt.

Attending the bridegroom were Clifford. Johnson, best man; and Jim Converse, George Hutchens and Philip Strommen, ushers. After the ceremony, a reception was held the church parlors. Assisting were Dianne Hughes, Marta Bieri, Karen Strommen, Linda Harrison, Janet Ritschel and the bride' sisters, Helen and Patty Gervais. The bride attended Anaconda High School and works at Galen Sanitarium.

The bridegroom, also an Anaconda High graduate, attended Montana State at Bozeman, where he was affiliated with Sigma Chi At present he is employed Anaconda Co. in Anaconda. After a honeymoon spent in Yellowstone Park, the newlyweds are now at home at 614 Birch. Mrs. Earl Peets Honored by Arts, Crafts Club.

shasta altar Are Told World Activities Anaconda DIY MRS. EDWIN A. STROMMEN Dora Lou Tidball Becomes Bride of Steven Sevener WHITEHALL-In a beautiful and impressive ceremony at an altar bright with flowers, Miss Dora Tidball became the bride of Steven Sevener in a double ring ceremony performed by the Rev. Howard Ricketts of Three Forks, in the Trinity Methodist Church other Whitehall on Sunday, Sept. 4, date being the wedding anniversary of the bridegroom's grandparents, Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Lemmon of Anaconda. Traditional wedding music was played by Miss Phyllis Owens of Bozeman, a sorority sister of the bride. The bride wore a street length dress of white brocaded satin, and carried a bouquet of white roses on her Rainbow Bible, and her short veil fell from a satin head bow. Welcomers Hear LWV Speakers The Butte Welcomers Club held its recent luncheon meeting at the Finlen Hotel with Mrs.

Henry Cross conducting the business session. Guest speakers were Mrs. James Kreltzberg and Mrs. Edwin Koch from the League of Women Voters. Special awards went to Mrs.

T. Hurley and Mrs. Richard Taylor. Other members and guests attending included Mrs. John Epley, Mrs.

Gerald McCauley, Mrs. William Skeel, Mrs. Gary Nelson, Mrs. Edward Richards Mrs. Edward Richards, Mrs.

Henry Cross, Mrs. James Welch, Mrs. William George. Mrs. Carlyle Hafer, Mrs.

Gene Wayrynen, Mrs. Keith Miller, Mrs. Calvin Tipton, Mrs. Willard Kennedy, Mrs. John Gaines, Mrs Erlin Sola, Mrs.

Matt Nagel and Mrs. Albert Ostler. Lets talk dry cleaning" by BRADFORD CLEANERS Stains are a lot more dangerous than skeletons in a closet. Leaving stains in clothing shortens the life of the fabric and makes cleaning more difficult. Using a hot iron on stained clothing as is often done with idea of getting "one more wear" before cleaning-is not a good idea.

The heat may certain stains and cause deterioration of the fabric. Best treatment for stains of any kind is cleaning. Not "home treatment" but cleaning by experts who know just what methods to use for particular stains. It will make your cleaner's job easier and help him do a better job if you can tell him the nature of particular stains when you bring your clothes in. Remember the sooner soil and stains can be removed from a fabric, the less chance they have to attack the material and cause weakening of the fibers.

Whether your clothing has the normal accumulation of wrinkles and soiling or special stains, you can be sure of expert cleaning care. when you bring it to us. Carry it in yourself and save or call for prompt pickup and delivery! discount for cash and carry or call 2-4935 BRADFORD CLEANERS for prompt pickup and delivery. ANACONDA-Mr. and Mrs.

Arthur M. Miller of 902 E. Fifth returned this week from a two-week vacation trip through Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Mr. and Mrs.

Walter Mings of were visitors in Anaconda Sunday. They accompanied their daughter, Ruth Ann, a student nurse at St. Patrick Hospital in Missoula, who will continue her training studies at the state hospital at Warm Springs. Mrs. Ethel Cadwell returned this week from a summer vacation visit in Springfield, with her son and daughter-in-law, Dr.

and Mrs. Paul M. Cadwell, and family, and with Mr. and Mrs. John Halehicago Mr.

and Mrs. Vern DiRe and family were visitors, Spokane over the weekend his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene DiRe, and family. Mr.

and Mrs. John Mahoney and son, John, 1618 W. Park, accompanied their daughter, Nancy, to Spokane this week. Miss Mahoney has enrolled in the Sacred Heart Hospital School of Nursing. Cynthia Wien, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Gerald J. Wien of 1619 W. Park, left this week for Cheney, where she entered her freshman year at Eastern Washington College of Education. Mrs.

Flora Hafer, a former Anaconda resident, was a visitor from Butte Wednesday. Mrs. Fred Vonalt. and Henry Johns have returned from Boise and Nampa, Idaho, where they attended the funeral of her brother, Ernest Johnson. Maybelle Mulvihill has returned from a visit in Minneapolis.

Mrs. Alan Anderson has returned from Spokane where she visited her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wells, former residents of Anaconda. Mr.

and Mrs. Harold Wheeler, recent guests of Mrs. Joe Kregosky, 614 E. Seventh, left Wednesday for their home in Penticton, B.C. They spent a five-day visit in Anaconda.

Mrs. Yvonne Harrity, 710 E. Commercial, was a guest of the Finlen Hotel during past weekend while attending the State Hairdressers' Association convention in Butte. MR. AND MRS.

CLARENCE S. MARTIN Clarence Martins Celebrate 50th Wedding Anniversary Her only jewelry was a rhinestone covered heart, a gift of the bridegroom. Mrs. Vera Knowles of Spokane, a lifetime friend, was the only attendant. Eric Nelson, brother of the bridegroom, was best man, and Thomas Tidball, brother of the bride, and Fred Belinger were ushers and candlelighters.

lawn reception was held at the Tidball home. Assisting at the reception were Mrs. Thomas Tidball, Mrs. Ed Alquist, Miss Loraine Roberts, Miss Donna Lehman, Mrs. Floyd Ward, Mrs.

Don Tash, Mrs. L. T. Robbins, Mrs. L.

T. Robbins, Meredith Lehman, Mrs. William Haenchon, Mrs. Herb Anferson and Mrs. E.

J. Roberts. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.

R. Tidball, is a graduate of Whitehall High School and of Montana State College, where she received her bachelor of science degree in applied arts. She is affiliated with Kappa Delta Sorority. The bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Nelson of Helena, graduated from Anaconda High School and Montana State College where he received his bachelor of party, was for given of The, the out of bride's town science degree. rehearsal parents a group relatives and friends on the evening before the wedding. Following the wedding reception the bridegroom's parents were hosts to the wedding party in Butte. The couple will reside in Butte where Mrs. Sevener is employed as secretary to George Sarsfield and Mr.

Sevener is employed with KXLF radio and television. More than 50 out of town relatives and friends were in attendance. Junior Women's Club Plans Fall Roundup The first regular meeting of the Butte Junior Women's Club was held recently at the United Congregational Church presiding. with Mrs. RobMrs.

Dee Swenson reported on Bee the proposed changes to be made in the club constitution. Plans for the annual to be held here Oct. 8-9 were outlined. Mrs. Jerry Murphy, Mrs.

John Markovich and Mrs. William Fredrickson were appointed to the newly formed Budget Committee for the year. At the close of the business session refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mr. James Wilkins, Mrs. John Warren, and Mrs.

Beery. Mrs. Wilkins and Mrs. Warren reported on the convention held in Glacier Park this summer. Those attending were.

Mrs. George and Kenneth Hooper, guests; and Mrs. Beery. Warren, Mrs. Wilkins, Mrs.

Swenson, Mrs. Fredrickson, Mrs. Richard Kane, Mrs. Glen Landon, Mrs. James Lane, Mrs.

Richard Lyons, Homer Mrs. Nabor John and Markovich, Mrs. Mrs. Bumgarner, members. St.

Marys Guild Plans Bazaar SHERIDAN-St. Mary Guild of Christ Episcopal Church met recently at the Episcopal Parish Hall to discuss plans for forthcoming beef barbecue and bazaar. The barbecue will be staged Oct. 2 at Bethany Hall from 2 to 7:30 p.m. This annual event, which has been sponsored by the Episcopal Church for the past two years, has been a highly successful and enjoyable family get-together.

The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. R. W. Rossiter on Sept. 27 at 2 p.m., at which time further plans for the barbecue and bazaar will be discussed.

WILLOW CREEK-Mr. and Mrs. Clarence S. Martin of Willow Creek were honored on their golden wedding anniversary at a reception held on Sept. 10 in the Willow Creek High School gymnasium.

Hosts and hostesses for the occasion were the couples' two sons and daughters-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Martin and Mr. and Mrs.

Clarence F. Martin of Deer Lodge. The color motif for the occasion was carried out in gold and white with a basket of golden mums and gold candles. A large four-tiered cake was cut by Mrs. G.

M. Collins, assisted by Mrs. Elvie Elliston. Miss Dianne Martin and Miss Linda Martin, granddaughters, were in 'charge of the Rainbow potof-gold table, which held the guest book and gifts. Mrs.

E. T. McPherand Mrs. H. McPherson, sisters poured, assisted by Mrs.

Nell Woodward at the punch bowl. Mrs. Jesse Parker entertained with piano selections throughout the afternoon with vocals rendered by Mrs. Omer Sallee. Mrs.

Carl Williams, assisted by Mrs. E. B. Chinn, Mrs. Keith Jensen and Mrs.

E. L. Wiley, were in charge of the kitchen. About 160 relatives and friends from Willow Creek and Three Forks helped the Martins celebrate the weekend. Out-of-town relatives attending included: Sisters and brothers-inlaw, Mrs.

Maud Kulstad, Honolulu, Hawaii; Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Collins, Portland; Mr.

and Mrs. E. T. McPherson, Alberton; Mr. and Mrs.

H. R. McPherson, Butte: an only living uncle, Mr. George Hanna came from Delevan, cousins: Mrs. Sylvia Walburn, Cle Elum, Mrs.

Mamie Luke and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Luke, Salem, Mrs. Sylvia Wymore, Oakland, Mr. and Mrs.

Theo Harper, Delevan, Mrs. Willis Babco*ck, Wells, Mrs. Ted Thompson, Superior, nieces and nephews: Mr. and Mrs. Charles McKenzie and children, Portland; Mr.

and Mrs. E. A. McPherson, Columbia Falls; Mr. and Mrs.

Jack Elderkin and daughters, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gray and children, Butte; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Murray and daughters, Anaconda and Mr.

and Mrs. Spencer Heim, Three Forks. Craig Martin, only grandson, serving with the U.S. Navy, was unable to be present. Mr.

Martin was born in Avon, S.D., and Mrs. Martin, the former Blanche McPherson, at new Sharon, Iowa. They were married Sept. 10, 1910, at Missoula. They are both active in community affairs and in Masonic organizations.

Mr. Martin retired from active service with the Milwaukee Railroad in 1953. Flags Dedicated By Echo Chapter of conducted its first PONY--Echo Chapter 38, Order fall meeting on Sept. 7 with Matron Juanita Curry and Worthy Patron Francis Curry presiding. A.

beautiful ceremony was conducted, dedicating the new American flag and the Eastern Star flag donated by Nell Bollinger in memory of her late husband, Lee Bollinger. Robert Morris Night was also observed. There were several visitors from Randall Chapter 97 and West Allis Chapter 172, West Allis, Wis. RECENT BRIDE Mrs. James H.

Lowney, the former Marilyn Tikkanen, whose recent marriage took place in St. Ann Church, Bonner, with the Rev. James A. Major officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Arnold Tikkanen, Milltown; and the bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. James P. Lowney, Anaconda.

The young couple is now at home in Glasgow where Mr. Lowney teaches at the junior high school. Marian White and Crafts Club held its first meeting of the Arts. club year recently in the YMCA clubrooms with Mrs. Hugh Lynch presiding.

Resolutions of sorrow at the deaths, during the summer, of Mrs. Carroll Miller, of Missoula, first vice president of the General Federation of Women's al Clubs, and of Mrs. Henry Mees, beloved longtime member of MWACC were read by Mrs. Earl Peets, followed by a minute of silence. A life membership was presented to Mrs.

Peets as a token of the club members' deep appreciation of her untiring efforts on the Scholarship Committee and of her devotion to the interests of the 28 students selected over a period of almost twenty years. President Lynch outlined her program for the year ahead, then presented Mrs. John Holleran, first vice president of District elected to that office at the Montana Federation of Women's Clubs at the bi-ennial convention in East Glacier this summer. Mrs. Holleran highlighted convention events and described prominent in attendance.

Before adjournment "God Bless America" was sung by the group, accompanied by Mrs. E. R. Maillet. Pouring at the tea table, centered with autumn flowers, were Mrs.

Lynch and Mrs. Clara Hoffman, hostess chairman, Mrs. Clarence Riegger, was assisted in serving by Mrs. J. A.

Beel, Maurice Mrs. Tom Jenkin, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Herbert Bassett and Mrs. Wilbur Pedlar.

Constitution Day Celebrated By DAR Chapter Silver Bow Chapter, Daughters of the Revolution, celebrated "Constitution Day" at the first regular meeting of the season held at Lloyds Saturday, Sept. 7. Mrs. C. Owen Smithers, regent, presided.

Professor Clifford Laity of the Montana School of Mines gave an outstanding address on "The American Constitution." Members attending were Nellie Baker, Mrs. John Harvey, Mrs. Warren L. Hughes, Mrs. Keppner, Glen Maris, Mrs.

Albin A. Multz, Mrs. George P. Palmer, Mrs. H.

C. Pealow, Mrs. Guy Piatt, Mrs. A. B.

Sorrells, Inez Tripp, Hugo Kenck, D. C. Walker. Mrs. W.

S. Wilson, Frances Winn, Phyllis Wolfe, Mrs. J. S. Wulf, and Mrs.

P. M. Young. Ladies Aid Hears Circle Reports TWIN BRIDGES The Ladies' Aid of the Church of The Valley met Thursday evening in the church parlors with Millie Weingart, president, presiding at the regular meeting. Losee Hillier was elected to serve as secretary for the rest of the year, due to the resignation of Mrs.

A. L. Comer. Helen Talcott of the Twin Bridges Circle and Ruth Nelson of the Silver Star Circle gave their reports and Ruth Long. gave a talk on their summer spent in Oregon.

Ruth Woods was in charge of devotionals. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Talcott and Mrs. J. R.

Oberg. Dr. and Mrs. Dean Wallace of Stugard, and Mr. and Mrs.

Duane Wallace of Kansas were visitors on Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Talcott. Judith Crnich Betrothal Told Mr. and Mrs.

Louis A. Crnich, 1542 Elm, announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Judith Anne, to David Norman Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard James Connors, 1544 Elm. The wedding will take place Oct.

2 at St. John Evangelist Church. Eureka Chapter Will Elect ANACONDA Eureka Chapter 16, Order of Eastern Star, will hold a special election for the station of treasurer at the regular meeting at 8 p.m. in the Masonic Temple. The altar will be draped in memory of two past worthy grand matrons of the grand chapter of Montana, Order Eastern Star.

Cards will give diversion following the meeting. Refreshments will be served by the officers with Dorothy Rosenleaf as chairman. Three Rivers OES Chapter Meets THREE FORKS -Three Rivers Chapter 56, Order of Eastern Star, held their regular meeting Sept. 14, with Evelyn Lemon, worthy matron, and Edgar Rexroat, worthy patron, presiding. Mildred Burow of the Estarl committee was introduced.

Installed were Rose Bryant, organist; Mildred Burow, Adah; Imogene Walker, Ruth, and Greta Buttelman, Electa. The altar was draped in memory of Arcelia Smith, a past worthy grand matron of Montana. Grand Chapter reports were given by Evelyn Lemon, Edna Bellach, Doris Heim and Edgar Rexroat. Refreshments were served by Kay Dickinson, Helen Hale and Ellen Hangas. Jean Smith and Phyllis Cooper were in charge of the entertainment for the evening.

Mrs. Albin Multz attended a great lavish encirclement of FOX meeting of the, Daughters of AmerRevolution of Silver Bow Chapter in Butte, Saturday. Mrs. Multz is the state museum chairman. Finest Lines of Quilted Bedspreads Ready Made 13.95 up Custom Quilted $35, up Draperies to Match Phone 6429 GEORGE Orchsli 125 West Broadway BUTTE, MONTANA A magnificent collection of the season's most exciting silhouettes the wonderfully warm, costly coatings you've dreamed of owning in all the important new colors coats superbly hand tailored, beautifully detailed and warmly interlined.

all sumptuously collared with GLORIOUS FOX. And just as thrilling are Weinberg's tempting prices. Weinberg's 18-20 W. Park Butte.

The Montana Standard from Butte, Montana (2024)


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Name: Carmelo Roob

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.